Harlem Shake :"Tunisian Youth abhorrence of politics or a blind imitation within an abiding confusion for freedom

Far away from the politicians supermacy and that free-floating frustrations dwelling within Tunisian Youth.I was looking and searching beyond any judgements or prejudices for analysing this common trend dance called"The Harlem Shake".
Before undulging in any analysis or critiques ,I have  many bursting questions beneath the stored ideas in my mind:
-1-Why this debate over this dance was not issued about the most famous track"GAGNAM STYLE"?
-2-Are the Tunisian Youth aware about the meanings ,allusions and references of this dance ?Are they knowldged about the struggle resulted by them between some supporters and non-supporters of this way of revolutionized way of expression.
I am not  going to refer to any psychologist or historian as this article ought to be somehow self-reflexive of my own perceptions.
I may blame politicians for  making this dance a phenomenon and a material for propaganda usage ;while ignoring important subjects like the drawbacks of the LMD system and the obligation of  regulating it .For instance,in the Western society ,they analyze such occurences before judging it and curing it ,if it is something awful.
Whether we approved or not ,this dance is considered an aberration yet aberrant :means not typical but socially rejected.
Starting to dance in a solo way ,with moves wich abjure the system "fucking the system ,the typical ,the common "this in terms of defending this casual dance .
Yet ,the opponents as these so-called critics made it  a political case fear of, from their prospective, legalizing in dissolute manner of articulating their ideas  in the future,  the lack of respect and libertine way of expressions far away from ethics and clichés ,that is why they are not going to tolerate such practices.
I am not here to judge or made any professional academic paper ,I am just trying to filter my thoughts and make a clear vision about this phenomenon which invaded our schools ,colleges and campuses in a pure challenge to authorities.
this abject artillery that can ruin our unity and make us divided because of a "fashion-outcome"danceactually made me recall the artificial insemination which consists of injecting a woman's womb with a previously stored sperm into her in order to get pregnant ;in an allegorical comparison these ocuurences and buzzes are injected into our country's womb , making us vomit as one of the pregnancy's side effects.
Globalization,freemasonry or whatsover ....???????????????
The importance is to focus on building our country by understanding our youth and empowering them .
Enough for propaganda bubbles