world Peace :youth and challenges

Peace is mainly the state of no war, this is how we define it  as  Peace advocates .As we have been educated that peace refers to the antonymous state of war where killings and   chemical weapons do not not exist.
However ,as we start to experience more and meet different people ,we came to believe and encounter a bitter truth .This factual truth is often harsh to embrace because it tells us that we are ignorant about peace .
Because peace is not only a static fact but rather a psychic one: where we as youth act as a catalyst to bring it and reach it. If we perceive all what is going on right now all over the world, we will figure out that all these happenings from strikes and conflicts are quite related to the absence of peace attitude not peace state of being or wellness as most prefer to refer to it.
In fact ,within our organization called Young Leaders Entrepreneurs or even within my academic research ,I found that most of youth whether in Tunisia or abroad suffer from two points :stereotypes and rejecting differences .Even on the geopolitical scene ,we are oblivious about how peace generates itself until it fades away because youth are targeted as key feature of manipulation and misuse by politicians not treated as  key stone of change and progress .
I have  started a project two years ago which is  called “New Generation Initiative “where we gathered 60 high school students from the GreaterTunis to be mixed together and  work together to solve some problematic situations related to leadership capacity building.
This experiment allowed as a team of experts to understand how different social classes and even often mixed with stereotypes and social fabric falsified by parental and patriarchal society mislead those youth to be victims of social clashes and ancestral grudge .
we convinced them that this upcoming generation should discuss instead of hatred ,should co-work instead of judging each other ,and never give  the chance for those who want to fish in murky waters to achieve their evil plans.
Moreover ,I want to say that youth are not the means for peace but rather a key component of making a change through educating them about peace ,conflict analysis, and  conflict transformation rather than 
conflict resolution because sometimes we cannot solve a problem but rather transform all its negative energy to a positive one through usage: of arts ,intercultural exchange programs, and sports because love is contagious and can be taught instead of submerging them with etiquettes and morals without constructive teachings about meditation along with peace attitude. .

I am eager to share my experience in Nepal  about peace mediation and that of Zurich institute will be an addition to the fruitful debates and round-table discussion to speak about Tunisia struggle to experience peace as a feature of social justice.
Youth are not ignorant about today’s up to date events ,they are getting more and more active within the civil society apparatus to advocate or lobby for ending impunity ,wars and ,gender-based violence as traits of how a dictator regime can work to deprive its youth and its overall citizens from their rights to enjoy peace as a guarantee of economic prosperity. Because investors would not invest their money in a country full of conflicts and civil war. Taking the example of my continent Africa which is full of natural resources but it is torn between politics gold diggers and weaponry companies along with drugs mafia.
Thus, world peace is threatened because of perpetuated wars, gang rapes, religious fanatics ,and sects clashes like in Lebanon.
Consequently, the world is split between: victimizers and victims. Personally, i consider that arranging more events and supporting youth initiatives will act as an  active platform for youth and worldwide activists to make such happenings naked as we always say :”Enough is Enough”.
we should plan effective strategies and implement global projects and write well-elaborated advocacies as the Earth’s natural resources are going less and less.
Acting now is better than nothing, we should work for peace as a World peace not to be geographically limited because peace knows no barriers, no frontiers ,and no discriminatory criteria based :on race, color ,or religion.
Nilson Mandela ,Ghandi, and Mother Theresa all struggled along with others to unite humanity because  a one hand cannot clap .we should sustain each other ,help each other ,and collaborate as one soul and body to make our nations shine under the sun of co-existence ,acceptance, and forgiveness.
I remember that Kmla Bhasin in Nepal once said :”If we want peace ,we should share light and if we want light we should forgive each other’s mistakes .Nobody is isolated from committing mistakes .we all do “
Coming to this point ,we understand that peaceful co-existence is vital especially in a country full of diverse ethnicities and minorities like in Iraq. We cannot dominate otherness, we should accept it as a feature of diversity and richness .
Because if we try to oblige others to adapt our scope of view and repress their thoughts .Certainly, they will rebel one day like we did in Tunisia because of a corrupt government full of nepotism and impunity .
we as Tunisians protested and confronted this regime barbarism because we wanted peace and justice not violence and uncivilized pickets like Ben Ali ousted president addressed  the media describing us
To conclude ,as a Tunisian ,I can presume that my country is now undertaking an adventure to transit from dictatorship to democracy .Peace should no be t taken for granted .
In contrary to that ,sometime we should fight for it if we truly want to live in its auspicious world .