Ahlem Nasraoui ,Seif jlassi ,Omar Ayyari :National youth volunteering awarded leaders in Tunisia

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The Youth Volunteering Award is part of the Arab Youth Volunteering for a Better Future Project. This project runs under the initiative led by the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme in line with regional strategies of the United Nations (UN) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The project’s main focus is connected to the importance of working with and for young people. The main actions seek to strengthen the infrastructure necessary to build the skills and capacities of youth in the region, and enhance their social inclusion and active participation in the development of their countries. The project is currently implemented in: Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and Yemen.
The Youth Volunteering Award aims to recognize the efforts and achievements of young volunteerscontribute to informing the public about the importance of volunteer workand ensure the contribution of volunteers aiming to achieve peace and development.
The award consists of two phases, first at the national level and then at the regionalThree candidates will be selected in national level and their stories will be published. The candidates then automatically continue competing on regional level. Regardless of the result,the national winners will be invited to participate in the official ceremony in one of the regional Arab countries in December 2014.

for more details :http://www.unv.org/

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