the beauty :Chaanbi Park |
I walk out
of the average citizen's understanding of terrorism , knowing that everyone
feels misunderstood. Everyone is in need of security, of love even under a
corrupt regime like Ben Ali's. There are many times in life when we don’t have
such desires, but that’s a sad fact mitigated by our aspiration to gain back
our normal life . Anyone who really pays attention to the current situation
which identifies with the new geopolitical breaking news. In one of the single
finest details ever captured on the spot, the attacks on the Channbi
Mountain reflects all of our simple shock, all of our pessimism, and in the
end, a selfishness to give away all kind of revolutionary demands like:
justice, dignity and even the ecosystem for a bit of security and fake freedom..we start to boycott linguistically
all kind of amusement whenever we think about the revolution as if it was the
apple which cursed us to dwell in earth, up to the Resurrection Day.
I was wondering
about why Kasserine was doomed to be that inevitable victim of
terrorism and I did not find any hypothesis except the fact that in any tragedy
,the hero was always doomed to reach his tragic ending because of his pride and
overrated ego .
For me ,kasserine
was a piece of earth where the god of courage and bravery was metamorphosed
into a Channbi Mountain because he was fighting back with the rest of the
inhabitants all kind of oppression and impunity in a divinely grandeur . such historical battles
and struggles against colonialism and corruption as traced in
history and our ancestors hearts ,stroke my mind with a sense of grandeur
and power.
Battle of the Kasserine Pass:WW2 |
All of these features
often contradictory and complicated cannot justify making us a target for
terrorism instead of a target to establish hospitals ,universities and
schools .
Enough is Enough
.... Terrorism is not a consequence of piled disappointments
or frustrations which burst in a given moment as the media is trying to portray us .."This plan B " was used to
revenge all of those who said no for Ben Ali or any idiot who is trying to kill
this sublime and picturesque beauty.
Imagine yourself
watching the same scene each day :our mountain which is part of our soul burned
and what is left are the flames absorbing your laughters and your jumps there ......once …
Sbeitla |
……………………..To be
continued ………….